swimming in wales

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swimming in wales

Beitrag von exilfranke »

are you okay? did you fit the sorkel on your pinz quickly or can you still pass the roads without?
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Registriert: 28. Sep 2005, 10:32
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Beitrag von Anthony »


:P :lol: We are used to rain in Wales it was invented here, it is only in England were they make a fuss :roll: :P :lol:

Thank you for enquiring, there some some flooding in the border area between England and Wales, mainly were the Big Rivers are, like the Severn. There may be some localised flooding in other places. Wales is mainly a hilly country with deep valleys so that when the Rivers fill up it is generally no big problem as it goes up but does not spread around so much. Obviously that is an overgeneralization but it is the main picture. June was unusual in that very nearly every day saw heavy rain and July is much the same, although there is bright sunshine as I write. In Wales the Town of Welshpool has been cut off I understand, this is on the River Severn.

The flooding in England though is very bad, perhaps you might have seen it on your News programs. We have Army, Navy, Air force and Even the Life Boat assisting. I should imagine that many many homes are severely damaged and the overall costs will amount to Billions of £. I think that possibly disease must be feared as raw sewage can escape into the water and in fact many poeple in these areas do not have fresh water. It has to be transported in.

Everything is very green here and beautiful because of the rains.

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Registriert: 6. Jul 2006, 16:15
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Beitrag von lovepons »

The flooding in England though is very bad, perhaps you might have seen it on your News programs.
Yes @ Anthony,

I saw it on the news - it's really bad for the people living in the flooded areas. The news channel are now talking about localized theft - people need water and food....simply awful what is happening.
It brings back memories about New Orleans - kind of like a "déjà vu". How can governments not understand they need to help and/or bring supplies to people that are stranded due to water. Beats me ....???


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Registriert: 28. Sep 2005, 10:32
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Beitrag von Anthony »


:twisted: Looting is an absolutely appalling thing, traumatised poeple then having to undergo this sort of thing is just unimaginable! I do not think it is wide spread though.

I think what surprises me is that they must have had some idea through Meteorological reports that some thing on this scale was likely and yet were unprepared.

I think that floods like this happen every now and then, I know Tewksbury, and have seen were the river has left is marks from the past. It is not possible to stop wide spread flooding but in some towns flood defences can be built to minimise the effects. Unfortunately for one town they installed temporary barriers which worked and then when the floods initially went down again they were removed. Then when the rivers flooded again they were requested. Unfortunately they were too late as the agency under Police escort got stuck with the barriers because the water was too high! so that properties that had been previously saved were now ruined!

My thoughts are this floods have always occurred. When i was a boy I remember them they were less problematic in those days. Now house hold have fitted carpets fridges TV FI and all manner of electrical and luxury goods. We had non of those things and when floods occurred the damage was only to the structure and life then returned to normal very quickly. Poeple today are also very reliant and they are not very resourceful, so this is a catastrophe more now than in the past.

Another problem with modern times is that New houses are often built were they should not be, that is in flood plains. There are supposedly laws preventing this but local corruption gets in the way. I know for a fact that were I am from in the Wirral that houses have been built by the thousand wet I remember bad flooding in my youth!

The immediate problem is lack of resources. Our military is in great stress and far too stretched all over the World especially the middle east. Every year they have financial cuts but they really need more investment to carry out the expanding role that is expected of them.

Every Local Authority has emergency or disaster tactics and responses with key personnel assigned to various rolls even in some areas local 4x4 groups are involved. The only thing is the planning for this is really small scale and can not be sustained. If we had a major war like WWII it would be an absolute disaster and farce I expect it would be the same in the rest of Europe, modern cushy life has made us too soft and the infrastructure to complex and delicate.

I do not know what the more the Government can do at the present time. In the future yes, better planning better resources flood barriers providing house hold barriers for existing houses businesses. Better disaster planning. i also think that house insurance should possibly be mandatory, a high % of poeple do not bother to insure :roll: because they would rather spend the money on a new wide screen TV.

I think they should stop building new houses in problem areas. The other problem is there is too much land being built on forests cleared and boggy land cleared as there is no were for the water to be soaked up, ie no sponge this is the other reason for the flooding.

Beiträge: 1852
Registriert: 29. Jul 2006, 15:14
Hat sich bedankt: 9 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 28 Mal

Beitrag von exilfranke »

If you remember, last year there wasn't enogh rain in the summer in england. Very strange.

My rough guess is that we might expect more of these broad variations, but the actual fuss everybody makes about is mostly generated by media going over the top and also a general increase in the speed of spreading news.

I think a lot of this happened in te former days locally, but it just wasn't considered important enogh to spread global news about it.

Bad for the people it is in any of these ways if all their posessions get eaten by nature, that stayed the same.
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Registriert: 28. Sep 2005, 10:32
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Beitrag von Anthony »


I agree with you today we have Wall to Wall TV coverage 24/7 and the rest of the Media. Sure the water is very wide spread and deep in the affected areas but the media plays up the personal struggles. The news these days is very much part of entertainment, hype and scandal are exploited to the full or else poeple turn it off. I know from personal experience how the TV, BBC in particular manipulate and even stage certain instances in order to hype up the story :twisted: . They can make even the most ordinary thing seem very incredible or far more important than what it is.
exilfranke hat geschrieben:If you remember, last year there wasn't enogh rain in the summer in england. Very strange.

My rough guess is that we might expect more of these broad variations, but the actual fuss everybody makes about is mostly generated by media going over the top and also a general increase in the speed of spreading news.

I think a lot of this happened in te former days locally, but it just wasn't considered important enogh to spread global news about it.

Bad for the people it is in any of these ways if all their posessions get eaten by nature, that stayed the same.

Beiträge: 916
Registriert: 6. Jul 2006, 16:15
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Beitrag von lovepons »

I think that all of you have touched most of all the problems. The media is certainly at fault as they tend to show the worst cases ..(and the very few lootings). On the other hand they don't mind flying over the areas to get nice pictures taken and don't even bother bringing along something for the stranded people. The government and/or the weather stations are just as well to blame, as floods like that are forseeable or at least predictable. It is always better to be more prepared then not enough. However, when it really gets this tough why isn't it possible to requisition all of the possible ressources, including media helicopters or private helicopters, ....etc. There is only two ways to get a situation like this under control. (a) get the people quickly out of there (preferably) .... or .... (b) quickly bring help/food/medication to the stranded people.
This is just my personal opinion. Let's hope this dramatic situation gets under control soon.


Beiträge: 256
Registriert: 28. Sep 2005, 10:32
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Beitrag von Anthony »

I think that a triage has to be adopted. The very young, old, ill poeple need to be identified and removed. The able bodied should only be removed if they request it and are in some danger. The rest will have to sit it out as there are most probably too many. The floods will most likely subside in a few days although more rain is forecast.

I believe that they are now worrying about the River Thames as it upper reaches are very high. I think that the Thames barrage will be razed at London on Wednesday to keep out the high tide.

Interestingly they showed a Lake/Reservoir here in Wales not that many miles from here. This is a feeding lake for the River Severn, this is the River that has flooded the most. This Reservoir has flooded and water is cascading over the top. To me this shows the incompetence of the whole system. The Reservoir should have not been allowed to reach this level once the rains were forecast. The water level should have been lowered so that when the heavy and continuous rains came there would have been a safety margin to relieve the River Severn.

There will have to be an enquiry to examine the performance of all the agencies.
